In December 2020 Lilydale Preschool was delighted to receive a Building Blocks grant from the Victorian State Government. This will enable us to make some fantastic upgrades to our yard and outdoor learning spaces over several months in 2021.

Working together with JF Studio, we have chosen to retire the old play structure and instead opt for a more natural play environment to inspire creativity and curiosity allowing children to explore, create and construct.

There will be some large mounds that will incorporate a tunnel, slide and climbing wall. Also included in the new design will be a dry creek bed, native maze area and veggie gardens where the children will grow edible plants from all over the world, including native Australian bush tucker, as well as Asian and European-based herbs and vegetables.

This new playground will help the children to connect with nature, develop gross motor function, fine motor skills and imagination all at the same time.

We look forward to the imaginative play that this space will help to create.

Designed by JF Studio

The Lilydale Preschool playground upgrade is supported by the Victorian Government